Snowmobile Safari through Finnish Wilderness

What an Adventure: Snowmobile Safari through Finnish Wilderness

The snowmobiles were lined up and ready to go when we, all geared up in as many layers of warm clothing as possible, started the tour through snowy wilderness over frozen lakes and forest paths right after breakfast. Our guide Toini had already shown us the instructional video of do’s and dont’s of snowmobile driving the previous evening, and to recap all we had learned, she gave a detailed demonstration of how our vehicles for the day were operated.

Then it was all ready, set, go!

With two people on most snowmobiles, we glided through the vast landscape of Finnish Lapland navigating through forests and picking up speed on frozen lakes. With frequent stops to check that everyone was keeping up with the pace and at times changing drivers we made good progress, sometimes meeting other groups on snowmobiles, other times stopping and killing our engines to let the oncoming traffic of dogsledding teams to pass in tranquility.

When it comes to the various winter adventures in the Arctic, snowmobiling is the one where you may get chilly especially when travelling as a passenger, and despite the warm layers, the sight of the kota, Finnish style tipi or lavu, with smoke rising from its chimney was more than welcome.

Lappish burgers grilled on the fire, biscuits, hot cups of tea and coffee got our team going again and when we arrived back to our base, a few were ready to continue for an extra loop clocking almost 80 kilometres for the day!

After a long day on the snowmobiles, probably more than one will continue the snowmobile quest in their dreams, before new adventures tomorrow!linnea-friberg-EgJGXPXaVws-unsplash
